Thursday, November 29, 2012

Aquarius Health and Fitness for 2013

Your co-ruler Uranus has been causing quite a stir ever since it moved into Aries on a longer term basis, in March 2011. Now this in itself can be very positive for you, especially if you a born in the first 10 days of Aquarius, because this is the planet that stirs innovation, but it is also a very restless influence, and is an insight into the kind of switchback in mood and mode that many Water Carriers experience on a fairly regular basis.

The downside is that the nervous energy is generates has been turned up to max, and there may well have been a lot more sleepless nights, headaches, and circulatory issues to contend with. Part of the problem has been its tight right angle with Pluto, which lasted broadly for seven months of 2012, through to the end of October. And the side of you which likes to be logical and detached battled with the forces that Pluto was stirring in the deepest part of your psyche governing fears, anxiety or self-doubt. Also you may have had a crash course about fair-weather friendships.

With criticisms often coming to you third, not even second hand. But this year, begins with a real posse of planets looking to get you off on a better footing, not least the force field known as Mars. This will give you a real determination and drive from the off. Saturn has also moved out of your sector of expansion into that of responsibilities, so stresses and strains this year, may come because you are doing so well, but you will need to have some external diversions to help you to deal with these.

Jupiter is on-side all year, but in two different ways. Through to June, giving you an appreciation of fun and sociability, and in the last half of the year, giving your health a veritable boost. It ain't going to be perfect Aquarius, but with added financial progress, this can help you to step up in ways, which in the past may have seemed closed to you.


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