Thursday, November 29, 2012

Taurus Health and Fitness for 2013

Whichever way you look at it, you are probably going to need to engage with other people more this year, and you may not always be in the mood to do so. Relationship pressures can therefore have a direct impact on your health and vitality.
To counter this, you need to understand the planetary patterns at work. Saturn is the big changed influence from early last year. It can demand more of you, it can push you to be more competitive, but it can also see you stub your proverbial big toe - if you try to do too much too quickly. So, pacing yourself is the key. Also, if you are finding life uncomfortable, at least through to the end of June, the temptation may be to go on yo-yo diets, when a more consistent approach would work better.

The good news is that a fab Solar Eclipse in your sign on the 10th of May, can help you to think more positively about your self-image in the following six months, and give you the push to go for the good things you aspire to. However, I must be truthful, and your willpower could be tested in June, when your natural sweet tooth, looks to be born again. This can happen again in October, when the Lunation of the 18th, can also see all your love of those gooey goodies, come home to haunt you. Yet Venus your ruler, doesn't go into retrograde until December this year, and there is an excellent Solar Eclipse on November the 3rd, which can stiffen your resolve to deal with life's natural ups and downs.


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