Astrological Health Profile
Sagittarius governs the hips, thighs, liver, sacral region of the spine,
coccygeal vertebrae, the sciatic nerves, the femur, the ileum, glutteal
or buttocks, and the iliac arteries. Sagittarius is prone to diseases,
disorders, and injuries of these particular body parts and organs.
Other diseases and disorders this sign is prone to include:
- Locomotor ataxia
- Sciatica
- Rheumatism
- Hip disease
- Liver disease
- Hepatitis
- Jaundice
- Cellulite (buttocks)
- Stretch marks (buttocks, hips, thighs)
- Athletic injuries
- Spinal issues
- Spinal cord disease
- High blood pressure
The Sag female is known by her pronounced hips and thighs and usually has a pronounced rump or rear end (as Sagittarius governs the buttocks). These are physical trademark features of this sign, especially for females of this sign.
If we deal with the metaphysics of certain pathologies pertaining to parts of the body governed or ruled by Sagittarius, we can easily prevent and remedy these certain pathologies.
Because Sagittarians likes to play sports and are athletic, they are subject to and prone to athletic injuries.
Dietary Considerations
The 12 cell salts necessary for optimal health and wellbeing correlate and correspond to the 12 Zodiac signs and thus Sagittarius too like all other eleven signs has been assigned a specific and particular cell salt which is: Silica (Quartz)
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