Capricorn Health
Capricorn rules the joints, hair, teeth and skin; the mucous membranes, the peripheral nerves and portions of the stomach. It also rules the skeleton, bones and patella. The accidents from this sign are broken bones, sprains, dislocations and hurts from the knees and below. Sensitive skin, allergies, and broken bones are problems, while worrying too much can also result in physical disorders.
Capricorn suffers from insecurity and anxiety in youth, but blossoms under Saturn in the later years. Capricorn people do not readily yield to disease, but once sick they hold onto the symptoms and can become hypochondriacs.
Capricorn Women generally suffers from Depression, discontentment, worries and the tendency to keep themselves extremely busy effects on their digestive system. Skin diseases, injuries to kneecap and dislocations of joints are the other most common problems that a Capri woman faces.
Capricorn deals the most with old age and often points to joint replacement as the bones lose their cushioning and begin to rub on one another. The teeth can be lost to decay, breakage or neglect and Capricorn repays neglect furiously. Light sensitivity is found here, as well as clinical depression brought on by physical causes. It also deals with nails and ingrown toenails or nail deterioration and nail fungus.
Anaemia, Bright's disease, catarrh, deafness, rheumatism and rickets are also a threat to the Capri people. Worry and anguish can also result in health problems like heart attacks if they are not careful to relieve their stress with proper exercise.
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