Astrological Health Profile
Zodiac signs govern the entire human body. The part of the body that
Virgo governs is the abdomen, stomach, and intestines (colon) in
addition to the lower lobes of the liver, the gallbladder, the spleen,
the duodenum, and sympathetic nervous system.
Virgos (Maidens) are prone to diseases of these particular organs and
systems and must be vigilant against diseases in and of these organs and
As Virgo governs the abdomen, stomach, and intestines, Virgoans have to
be aware of their specific astrological-based health needs that are
health needs of the digestive and intestinal tract. As they are very
mental and analytical being ruled by Mercury, planet of communication
they can digest too much information or data at times that can result in
physical digestive disorders according to metaphysical law.
According to medical astrology, "Virgo is the natural sixth house, the
house which has rule over sickness; hence when Virgo people once get
into the clutches of sickness, they are apt to become chronic invalids.
Therefore though such people make excellent nurses. And because Mercury
also rules the rectum, Virgoans are also prone to rectal problems, i.e.
hemorrhoids and rectal bleeding.
Because Virgoans are prone to intestinal problems and complaints, they
should make sure to perform enemas weekly or bi-weekly depending on
their diet and lifestyle.
Colonics are also a great procedure Virgoans should have performed
periodically. Enemas and colonics are great to prevent constipation,
which the Virgo person, especially the Virgo female, seems to constantly
Dietary Considerations
Virgoans should make sure to get adequate amounts of potassium sulfate, which is the necessary cell-salt of Virgo.
Excellent sources of natural potassium sulphate include seaweeds and apples.
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