Cancer Health
People with Cancer active in their charts are subject to coughs, indigestion, gas, gallstones, and general problems with stomach, liver and intestines, plus emotional disorders such as depression, hypochondria and hysteria.
Cancer women generally keep fragile to moderately good health until youth but they become stronger as the age move on. The chest and stomach are two weak areas. The possible diseases are TB, asthma, gastric disturbances and weak digestion. Some of the other diseases that might trouble are over indulgence in alcoholic drinks, excessive eating and some kind of a fear complex.
Those who are governed by this Sign will often find themselves victims to coughs, colds, gallstones and general problems associated with the stomach, liver and intestines. Cancer are prone to skin disorders when there is a lack of calcium in the diet, milk, cheese, kale, lettuce and tomatoes would also be recommended.
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