That means thinking about what you put into your body, making time for proper meals, making them yourself if possible, drinking less, exercising more, and in general being a whole lot more organised about your life, because if you are not, this is where the rub will come. Work strains can also predominate this year, particularly in mid-March, late June and early July, late October and early November. Your natural gift for communication is undoubted, but your nervous system can get over-aroused at these times, especially if things are frustrating and you encounter obstacles.
Don't be too willing to do overtime, or if you work for yourself, develop some external hobbies which provide release. With Jupiter moving in late June, also keep a watching brief on your weight. Keeping trim on the scales is once more going to require self-discipline. Yet...if you can rise to the challenge, you can end this year in really good shape.
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